Remember that movie? the one where the family loses their little boy, and the therapist convinces the dad that they never had a kid and tries to convince the mom that she never had a kid and that it was all in her head?
I'm a titch afraid that is going to happen to me. That I'm going to keep going on, day to day, by myself, thinking "Adam is still on a camping trip, he'll be home in a few days". Then one day, someone will be brave enough to tell me that Adam was never there, that he was just the best dream i ever had, but I was too happy at the thought of "him" coming home, that no one could tell me the truth. And then I'll be crushed and sad and devastated.
Wouldn't that be awful? It makes me sad to think about. So i'm going to continue being happy and telling myself he's coming home in a day or two.
Please see this post to know the connection between TV and my brain.