I miss my toes
I miss my tummy
I miss sleeping through the night (I won't be getting that back for a while, but I still miss it)
I miss laying on my back as long as I want
I miss laying on my stomach
I miss my clothes!! - shirts that fit AND were flattering, jeans, UNDERWEAR
I miss the days when switching from laying on my left side to my right was not a chore
I miss when the above didn't leave me winded
I miss being able to really get close to Adam
I miss the days when getting out of bed wasn't easier when adam gave me a shove
I miss not maneuvering like a fat person (Lani informed me of this one, even though I already knew it :) )
I miss piggy backs
I miss wrestling
I miss walking without feeling like it's a work out
I miss bending over
I miss my BRAIN
I miss the days of not crying every day, over stupid things that really don't need to be cried about
I miss my baby boy, that I have yet to even meet, but I miss him and I want to hold him and kiss him
While slightly annoying, I do enjoy taking nap(s) daily
Adam is going to paint my toe nails :)
As much as I want to meet my baby, I'm glad he's still growing and still doing well inside me. I also have had a very nice pregnancy. Everyone told me the last month is the worst, but it's only been the worst for me because this whole being pregnant thing is just getting old. I'm still fairly comfortable, heartburn only makes an appearance every other day or so and is easily managed. Nightly baths help take the weight of him off my back for a bit. I work from home now, so I'm able to rest when I need, snack when I feel like it and get stuff done in between.
However, he can feel free to make an appearance any day now. I am 37 weeks today, which means he is full term. So really son, any day now, we are willing and eager for you to make an appearance.
don't you love how they let you know it's full-term and then tell you it might be another month until they show up? ugh.
i totally feel you! i can't believe it was only seven weeks ago that i was where you are! you will feel 100% better when he comes, but then you'll get a whole new list of physical and emotional annoyances. at least you'll have one big adorable annoyance to cuddle with, though.
Good luck, Erin! I'll be praying he comes early for you :) Can't wait to see pictures!
Wow! I thought I was weird for missing a person I had never met! Apparently it is a common feeling. I remember I used to be on the brink of tears because I missed Emmaleah so much. I am glad it wasn't just me. :)
Such an adorable post! I wish I could empathize with you but I've never been there... yet! :) I'm excited too see you Saturday!
Please don't circumcise the baby. Have you ever seen it (they have videos of it on youtube)? It's horrific and apparently babies can bleed to death because of it (rare, thankfully).
The circ rates are now about 60/40 so no need to worry about the "odd man out" locker room syndrome anymore.
Just please research it. Baby girls are protected against genital mutilation here in the US, shouldn't boys be too?
I love your blog! It is so cute! I am so excited for you guys to finally get your little guy here! Your post is awesome!
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