For Shads (aka Chris) last day, we went to 7 Peaks because he had never been before. I was very very disappointed in the wave pool this year. We could barely tell a difference between when the waves were on and when they weren't, but there was enough of a difference to know that the waves were "on". Other than that we had a lot of fun and I was very excited that I remembered to bring the camera along :D yay for pictures!!
Sam on the rope. He did a back flip but I missed it.
Adam. Probably shouldn't have done that since it's only been 2 weeks since his surgery. Oh well, he's fine now right!
Shad haning on tight! It was his first time here.
Adam was being very helpful. Non one was brave enough to just reach out and grab it. But Adam is very brave :)
Shad trying to stay on the lili pads.
Adam on the lili pads. He said the bigger you are the harder it is because you just make them sink. I personally don't enjoy looking like I don't know how to walk while people are watching, so I took pictures of Adam and Shad doing it instead.
I couldn't resist taking this one. He just looks so dang good!
After 7 Peaks we went to the Training Table, Which is a tradition when Shad comes to town.
NCAA 2009 is a houshold favorite at Adam's apartment. Granted, Adam is the only one that lives there for now, but that is what keeps the statement true :). It is played on a daily basis. He is very good at it and can beat the other team (the XBox) every time. I'm so proud of him :) This last few days, Adams friend from Boise came and stayed with him. I got a few pictures of them playing. It was pretty fun.
This is a very serious game.
And they won! Woohoo!!
This is what the screen looks like. 42 inches of NCAA every day.
Because I work where I work, I get to know photographers. Some of which I become good friends with. Adam and I had the opportunity to have 2 photographers take our engagements and my bridals. Adam was a great sport and was happy and looked great for all the pictures. We have SO many pictures to choose from. Good thing they both gave me their favorites :)
Ok, so that is only 10 out of the 600 pictures that I have, but you get the idea. I love them. I am so happy with the way they turned out. If you want to see more, come to our reception on September 12 :) I am still collecting addresses, so if you haven't given us your address, now is the time to do it!!
My bridals turned out fabulous as well, but Adam isn't allowed to see my dress until the wedding, so I'll post them once he's seen them :)
As you may or may not know, Adam broke his collar bone back in February. Normally when the collar bone breaks, they put you in a sling and tell you to take it easy for a while because there is nothing you can do about it. Adam doesn't believe that anything should be that easy. He broke it to the point that he had to have an orthopedic surgeon put him back together.
This is his break.
This is how they fixed him. 8 Screws and a bar.
Having extra stuff in his shoulder wasn't very comfortable for him and it just bothered him all the time. Sometimes it even made him queezy and want to throw up, which is pretty bad considering he can't remember ever throwing up. So he made an appointement with the doc and they scheduled him for the next week. Last Wednesday he went in to have his hardware removed. I am sad to say I wasn't able to go with him to the surgery. Thank goodness his mom loves him and took him in and brought him home. He is doing much better now and says he can feel a difference already.
Last time after surgery, he was down for 2 weeks and should have been down longer, but he couldn't handle being away from work and just sitting around all the time. It was sad to see him in so much pain. This time he was up and going the next day. Still a bit painful, but no where near as much pain as last time.
The doctor told him he needed to keep the bandage on and not get it wet until he (the doctor) saw him again, which was in 10 days. After the first day he wanted it off. I told him he needed to keep it on until the doctor said he could take it off. I knew it wouldn't stay on much longer, but I tried to get him to keep it on as long as possible. Well Sunday comes and he has to work at 6 a.m. until 9 when we have church. I got to church and he didn't show up. I don't take my phone in with me so I couldn't call or text to see what was going on. Well he never showed up. I get to my car and I have a text from him that says "I'm going to miss chuch, I took off my bandage and now I feel like puking". Great. I don't even have anything to bandage him back up with. So I call him. No answer. I know that if I call him more than once per 2 or 3 minutes, he doesn't like it. But I'm worried and keep calling. Still no answer. All I can think of is how light headed it makes me when I see blood and yucky stuff like that, so I'm thinking he has passed out in the bathroom or something. I get back to his apartment and he's asleep in his chair, then he looks up and grins at me and says "sorry, I took it off". What a punk. So I had to go to Walmart so that we could get it covered up and keep it from getting infected. All is good though. I don't think it will be getting infected and I think it's healing fairly quickly.
This is from his first surgery, the new cut looks pretty much the same, only not quite as long. I'll show you all later. I don't have my camera with me, but when I do get it, I will post pictures of the hardware they took out and the new cut.
So basically, I love Adam. I love how intelligent he is, I love how interesting he is, I love how interested he is, I even love how much he loves football. I could go on and on about all of the many things I love about this man, but I think I'll save that for a different blog. Today, I want to show you some of his faces. I love his face. I love to kiss it. I love to look at it, and you will see why :)
This one was at graduation. It is one of my favorites :)
Yes, now you can see why I love him so much :) We got our engagement pictures taken yesterday, I will post those when I get the chance. I'm excited for them :)