Having extra stuff in his shoulder wasn't very comfortable for him and it just bothered him all the time. Sometimes it even made him queezy and want to throw up, which is pretty bad considering he can't remember ever throwing up. So he made an appointement with the doc and they scheduled him for the next week. Last Wednesday he went in to have his hardware removed. I am sad to say I wasn't able to go with him to the surgery. Thank goodness his mom loves him and took him in and brought him home. He is doing much better now and says he can feel a difference already.
Last time after surgery, he was down for 2 weeks and should have been down longer, but he couldn't handle being away from work and just sitting around all the time. It was sad to see him in so much pain. This time he was up and going the next day. Still a bit painful, but no where near as much pain as last time.
The doctor told him he needed to keep the bandage on and not get it wet until he (the doctor) saw him again, which was in 10 days. After the first day he wanted it off. I told him he needed to keep it on until the doctor said he could take it off. I knew it wouldn't stay on much longer, but I tried to get him to keep it on as long as possible. Well Sunday comes and he has to work at 6 a.m. until 9 when we have church. I got to church and he didn't show up. I don't take my phone in with me so I couldn't call or text to see what was going on. Well he never showed up. I get to my car and I have a text from him that says "I'm going to miss chuch, I took off my bandage and now I feel like puking". Great. I don't even have anything to bandage him back up with. So I call him. No answer. I know that if I call him more than once per 2 or 3 minutes, he doesn't like it. But I'm worried and keep calling. Still no answer. All I can think of is how light headed it makes me when I see blood and yucky stuff like that, so I'm thinking he has passed out in the bathroom or something. I get back to his apartment and he's asleep in his chair, then he looks up and grins at me and says "sorry, I took it off". What a punk. So I had to go to Walmart so that we could get it covered up and keep it from getting infected. All is good though. I don't think it will be getting infected and I think it's healing fairly quickly.
This is from his first surgery, the new cut looks pretty much the same, only not quite as long. I'll show you all later. I don't have my camera with me, but when I do get it, I will post pictures of the hardware they took out and the new cut.
Last time after surgery, he was down for 2 weeks and should have been down longer, but he couldn't handle being away from work and just sitting around all the time. It was sad to see him in so much pain. This time he was up and going the next day. Still a bit painful, but no where near as much pain as last time.
The doctor told him he needed to keep the bandage on and not get it wet until he (the doctor) saw him again, which was in 10 days. After the first day he wanted it off. I told him he needed to keep it on until the doctor said he could take it off. I knew it wouldn't stay on much longer, but I tried to get him to keep it on as long as possible. Well Sunday comes and he has to work at 6 a.m. until 9 when we have church. I got to church and he didn't show up. I don't take my phone in with me so I couldn't call or text to see what was going on. Well he never showed up. I get to my car and I have a text from him that says "I'm going to miss chuch, I took off my bandage and now I feel like puking". Great. I don't even have anything to bandage him back up with. So I call him. No answer. I know that if I call him more than once per 2 or 3 minutes, he doesn't like it. But I'm worried and keep calling. Still no answer. All I can think of is how light headed it makes me when I see blood and yucky stuff like that, so I'm thinking he has passed out in the bathroom or something. I get back to his apartment and he's asleep in his chair, then he looks up and grins at me and says "sorry, I took it off". What a punk. So I had to go to Walmart so that we could get it covered up and keep it from getting infected. All is good though. I don't think it will be getting infected and I think it's healing fairly quickly.
man! that's really yucky! i broke my collar bone and they just gave a sling (like you said) and told me to wear it for a few weeks or something. yeah.....i lasted 3 or 4 days i think? they're horrible! tell him to get better-he's got better things to do right now, like marry you! :)
That guy can never take someone's word for it...he has to try it himself first! :) I'm glad he has you to take care of him (and I'm sure he is too!) Good luck with wedding plans. Becca
OK so this is probablly not the best thing to write on adams ochy blog but i have the funniest story to tell you!!! I must come by and let you know =)
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